WHO Turns 75 Years Young

African experiences over 100 disease outbreaks annually
WHO African Region
WHO Health For All April 2023
Africa (Vax-Before-Travel)

The World Health Organization (WHO) marked its 75th anniversary by celebrating the public health successes that have significantly improved the quality of life.

April 7, 2023, also serves as a moment in time to redouble commitment to tackling the current and future health challenges confronting the region and steering it toward a brighter tomorrow.

On this day in 1948, the United Nations fulfilled its ambition to create a global health body to make the world safer and serve those most in need.

In the African region, the noteworthy milestone of WHO's 75th anniversary provides an opportunity to observe World Health Day 2023. The theme for this year is Health for All.

One example of success is in Africa.

Healthy life expectancy increased in Africa on average by ten years between 2000 and 2019, the highest global increase globally. This is because more people are now living healthier, longer lives with less risk from disease and better access to care and prevention services.

But for all the hard-won gains made over the past 75 years, more than 100 health emergencies still occur in the African Region annually, including outbreaks of cholera, yellow fever, meningitis, measles, and Ebola.

These emergencies still pose a significant threat to African countries' health, wellbeing, and development.

WHO is entirely committed to helping countries tackle the health challenges of today  ̶and tomorrow.

Seventy-five years after the Organization's creation, our work remains as important as ever, wrote the WHO.

"WHO's 75th anniversary is an opportunity for us to stop and reflect on the remarkable achievements in advancing the health and wellbeing of the people of Liberia," commented Dr. Clement Peter, WHO Representative in Liberia, in a related press release.

"It is also the chance for us to come together around our common goal and renew our commitment to tackling the challenges ahead."

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