PVax Publishing
PVax Editorial Standards
Our news team has fact-checked health news for over 20 years and is committed to publishing accurate information. We stand by the information we publish; if it's incorrect, we will change it as quickly as possible. Additionally, we take many steps to ensure accuracy, such as:
We investigate claims with skepticism, question assumptions, challenge conventional wisdom;
We confirm information with subject-matter experts and seek to corroborate what sources tell us by talking with other informed people or consulting documents;
We verify content, such as technical terms, stats, etc., against source documents or clarify who provides the information. For example, we may share relevant components of a story with a primary source or an outside expert to verify them.
We support these industry-leading non-profit health publishing criteria: EC's Code of Practice on Disinformation, Health News Review, and Retraction Watch.
PVax Publishing Goals
The World Health Organization has confirmed vaccine misinformation is a significant threat to global health that could reverse decades of progress in reducing disease. PVax's vaccine library integrates peer-reviewed information from the European Medicines Agency, the UK, India, China, Brazil, Australia, and other agencies. And we curate our content to enhance consumer understanding. Our editorial goal is to publish information adhering to the Plain Writing Act 2010.
Trustworthy - Only licensed providers edit our content, delivering 100% transparency.
Understandable— our clinical information is written in a positive voice and translated into a "main street" conversation.
Breaking research is contextually integrated into the news as it is published;
Experience - Each article is designed with uniform navigation, offering a consistent learning experience.
Editorial Independence
PV's digital newsroom is insulated from any interaction with advertisers. To avoid conflicts, we do not accept gifts or remuneration. Our news-gathering team is independent of commercial or political interests. Additionally, we do not allow third parties to "ghost-write" news articles. If you have any questions, contact [email protected].
The Medical Advisory Team works closely with pharmacists, doctors, and nurses across various specialty areas to ensure PrecisionVax's published content is accurate, actionable, and understandable. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Robert Carlson at [email protected].