Pharmacies Offer Protein-Based COVID-19 Vaccine Where Needed

During the recent pandemic, the U.S. government made an important decision to allow pharmacists to work with healthcare providers to increase access to vaccinations, especially in areas that lacked sufficient medical professionals.
This decision has proved valuable, as it is now facilitating the delivery of new COVID-19 vaccines in areas reporting increased hospitalizations in March 2024.
Nationally, the U.S. CDC's wastewater monitoring system indicates SARS-CoV-2 activity level is currently low.
However, the number of new COVID-19 hospital admissions in the past few weeks has been in small markets.
To reach people in these markets, the CDC renewed contracts with community pharmacies through the Increasing Community Access to Testing contract to provide free COVID-19 vaccines in the U.S.
The CDC's Bridge Access Program also offers free COVID-19 vaccines to adults without health insurance and adults whose insurance does not cover all COVID-19 vaccine costs.
According to John Trizzino, Novavax Inc.'s Chief Operating Officer, pharmacists play a crucial role in the decision-making process for COVID-19 vaccination.
In an interview with Precision Vaccination News on March 22, 2024, Mr. Trizzino stated that pharmacists are concerned and caring healthcare providers—the primary educators on 'main street'—who can explain the vaccination options available and the potential need for booster vaccinations, especially when COVID-19 hospitalizations are at their peak in a local market.
Trizzzino's perspective was that throughout the recent pandemic, pharmacists are part of the healthcare provider ecosystem that can help to ensure each person's immunization needs are covered, while the role of companies like Novavax is to make sure these vaccine options are safe and effective.
Pharmacies are now delivering more vaccinations than any other healthcare provider group. I believe pharmacies are a great place to get vaccines because a healthcare professional administers the vaccine.
Overall, pharmacies are a good opportunity for people to be reminded about their vaccinations and their vaccination schedule.
From an availability perspective, the protein-based Novavax COVID‑19 Vaccine, Adjuvanted, is offered at select pharmacy locations, such as Publix, CVS, Rite AID, and Costco.
The U.S. FDA has authorized Novavax's Nuvaxovid™ XBB.1.5 vaccine, one of the thirteen COVID-19 vaccines the World Health Organization listed for 2024.
On March 11, 2024, Canada's National Advisory Committee on Immunization published guidance on using the Nuvaxovid vaccine in Canada. The recommendations state that Nuvaxovid XBB.1.5 can be used in unvaccinated or previously vaccinated individuals aged 12 years and older.
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